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Common IRS Notice Codes / Rejection Error Codes for Form 2290

Common IRS Notice Codes / Rejection Error Codes for Form 2290


For many truckers, the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return Form 2290 is critical. Unfortunately, unresolved IRS denial codes can delay action and invite the automatic calculation of penalties. Being aware of these common rejection errors can get you help swiftly, allowing you to file with fewer issues.

Common Notice Codes from the Internal Revenue Service and Their Corresponding Meanings

The IRS notice codes show the discrepancies or other mistakes from the submission of Form 2290. Some of the most common are listed below.

R0000-922-01: EIN Does Not Match the Business Name Provided

This happens when the IRS records do not correspond with the Employer Identification Number (EIN) that has been supplied. You have to make sure that the business name and the EIN provided are the same as IRS records.

R0000-905-01: No Record of The Supplied EIN Available With The IRS

This occurs when the provided EIN is too recent and has not yet been updated in the IRS system. If the number was recently granted to you, you need to hold for two weeks before attempting to submit form 2290.

R0000-146-01: Filing Fees for Duplication Error

If the IRS finds out that multiple filings were sent for the same vehicle in the same timeframe, this comes up. Please check your records before the re-submission of forms.

R0000-019-01: Invalid Reported VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)

Your rejection code could either stem from a mistyped VIN or one that does not match the IRS records. The solution is simple: check and input the right VIN.

R0000-035-01: Incorrect Bank Account Information

The form will be rejected if incorrect routing and account number bank details are provided to be paid. Next time, ensure that all the bank account details provided are accurate.

R0000-197-01: Wrong Reporting Period

This error occurs when the selected tax period does not correspond with the IRS records or does not fall under the standard Form 2290 filing period of July 1 – June 30.

Fixing IRS Rejection Errors

If the IRS form 2290 gets rejected because of any of these errors, you will need to do the following:

  • Check the Rejection Code: First step is to review the rejection code with the IRS notification.
  • Fix the Error: Take the time to correct the error that has been brought to your attention. Verify if your EIN is correct or maybe adjust the correct tax period.
  • Submission: Once you have rechecked all of these, you can resubmit your form 2290 either through post or electronically.
  • Help Desk Support: If you still feel as if you need assistance do not hesitate to contact the IRS Help Desk at 866-699-4096.

Avoiding Further IRS Form 2290 Rejections

For the sake of avoiding having to deal with errors and rejection codes from the IRS you should consider:

  • Carefully verifying all the details submitted before submission.
  • Checking if the EIN and VIN supplied are correct and confirm to the IRS records.
  • Employ e-filing services with automatic error detection capabilities that are approved by the IRS.
  • Avoid neglecting the deadline by filing well in advance as this provides ample time for necessary corrections.

By using some of the relatively simple IRS notice codes and rejection error explanations, you can save yourself from unnecessary punitive damages. You also can verify details and correct errors to ensure hassle-free filing of federal taxes with the aid of e-filing services.

You should refile after fixing the issue in the notice to avoid affecting compliance to your trucking business, hence doing it quickly will keep the operations running seamlessly.

Note: For more information, visit IRS website