Empowering American Truckers with Simple and Affordable Tax Solutions
State Filing
E-filing Form 2290 in Connecticut is the easiest and most efficient way to meet the requirements of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. It is designed for vehicles with a gross taxable weight of 55,000 pounds or more and truck owners who operate on public highways. By e-filing, you will save time from manual paper works, and you will get your Schedule 1 proof of payment faster. Connecticut truckers and fleet managers can save valuable time and avoid errors by filing on the Internet, staying ahead of deadlines, and maintaining uninterrupted business operations.
For those wishing to receive personal assistance, Connecticut residents can visit several Taxpayer Assistance Center offices located throughout the state. Locations include: Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, New Haven, Norwalk, and Waterbury. The New London offices also make available assistance by appointment. With any queries on Form 2290 or any tax-related question you have, these centers are equipped with knowledge IRS representatives who are always happy to help you with that specific issue. Use the resources available to guide you in doing the e-filing smoothly.